Definition of mechanical


cơ khí


The word "mechanical" derives from the Greek word "mechane," which means a tool, device, or very essentially, a contrivance. This term, in turn, stems from the Greek word "mechanein," which translates to "to devise" or "contrive." The Latin contraction of "mechanein," "machāna," introduced into English in the Middle Ages, ultimately gave way to the term "mechanical." The meaning of "mechanical" initially connoted something fabricated by human beings from movable parts, as opposed to a natural object. This distinction alsoserved as a means of categorizing various branches of medieval scholarship. The Greek philosopher Aristotle relegated natural phenomena to the realm of "natural philosophy," distinguishing them from 'mechanical' creations fabricated by men. In the following centuries, "mechanical" descended into the English vocabulary with manifold usages, with its primary connotation retaining the same theme of human fabrication. The word has since been employed to signify an assortment of ideas and concepts, ranging from mechanical power or machinery to the mechanical principles governing the operation of physical apparatuses or forces. In modern-day parlance, "mechanical" is commonly employed to refer to technological devices or systems that incorporate moving parts. Overall, the word's semantic scope has expanded to include both natural and contrived phenomena, a contrast to its Aristotelian origin, which initially employed it to categorize contrived human artifact over natural occurrences.


operated by power from an engine

vận hành bằng năng lượng từ động cơ

  • a mechanical device/toy/clock

    một thiết bị cơ khí/đồ chơi/đồng hồ

  • mechanical parts

    bộ phận cơ khí

relating to machines and engines

liên quan đến máy móc và động cơ

  • mechanical problems/defects

    vấn đề/khiếm khuyết cơ khí

  • The breakdown was due to a mechanical failure.

    Sự cố xảy ra là do lỗi cơ khí.

done without thinking, like a machine

thực hiện mà không cần suy nghĩ, giống như một cái máy

  • a mechanical gesture/response

    một cử chỉ/phản ứng máy móc

  • My work has become mechanical—I could do it in my sleep.

    Công việc của tôi đã trở nên máy móc - tôi có thể làm việc đó trong giấc ngủ.

Related words and phrases

connected with the physical laws of movement and cause and effect (= with mechanics)

kết nối với các quy luật vật lý của chuyển động và nguyên nhân và kết quả (= với cơ học)

  • mechanical processes

    quá trình cơ khí

good at understanding how machines work

giỏi hiểu cách máy móc hoạt động