Definition of rope


dây cáp, dây thừng, xâu, chuỗi


Definition of undefined

The word "rope" has a fascinating origin! It comes from the Old Norse word "röpi," which referred to a length of twisted fibers, such as flax or hemp. The word was borrowed into Middle English as "roppe" or "rope," initially meaning a length of cord or twine. Over time, the meaning expanded to include any length of fibers twisted together, not just static ones. The word also evolved to encompass various types of ropes, such as hawsers, lines, and cables. Today, "rope" is used to describe a wide range of twisted fibers or cordage used for various purposes, from climbing and sailing to surveying and everyday applications.


very strong thick string made by twisting thinner strings, wires, etc. together

dây dày rất chắc chắn được làm bằng cách xoắn các dây, dây mỏng hơn, v.v. với nhau

  • The rope broke and she fell 50 metres onto the rocks.

    Sợi dây bị đứt và cô rơi xuống đá từ độ cao 50 mét.

  • We tied his hands together with rope.

    Chúng tôi trói hai tay anh ấy lại bằng dây thừng.

  • The anchor was attached to a length of rope.

    Mỏ neo được gắn vào một sợi dây dài.

  • Coils of rope lay on the quayside.

    Những cuộn dây nằm ngổn ngang trên bến cảng.

  • I tripped over the guy rope of the tent in the dark.

    Tôi vấp phải sợi dây thừng của lều trong bóng tối.

  • One of the bouncers lifted the velvet rope to let us enter the club.

    Một trong những người bảo vệ đã nhấc sợi dây nhung lên để chúng tôi vào câu lạc bộ.

  • a rope bridge/swing/ladder (= made from rope)

    một cây cầu dây thừng/đu quay/thang (= làm từ dây thừng)

Related words and phrases

the fence made of rope that is around the edge of the area where a boxing or wrestling match takes place

hàng rào làm bằng dây thừng bao quanh rìa khu vực diễn ra trận đấu quyền anh hoặc đấu vật

a number of similar things attached together by a string or thread

một số thứ tương tự được gắn với nhau bằng một sợi dây hoặc sợi chỉ

  • a rope of pearls

    một sợi dây ngọc trai


be at the end of your rope
(informal)to feel that you cannot deal with a difficult situation any more because you are too tired, worried, etc.
  • You’d better let her know you’re safe. She’s at the end of her rope.
  • give somebody enough rope
    to allow somebody freedom to do what they want, especially in the hope that they will make a mistake or look silly
  • The question was vague, giving the interviewee enough rope to hang herself.
  • money for jam/old rope
    (British English, informal)money that is earned very easily, for something that needs little effort
  • The job only took about an hour—it was money for old rope.
  • on the ropes
    (informal)very close to being defeated
    show somebody/know/learn the ropes
    (informal)to show somebody/know/learn how a particular job should be done