Definition of retool


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The word "retool" has its origins in the 17th century, when toolmaking was a significant industry. In Old English, the word "toole" referred to tools or a set of tools. The verb "to retoole" emerged in the 1600s, meaning "to fit out with new tools" or "to equip again." Over time, the meaning of "retool" expanded to include the idea of adapting or modifying existing tools to fit new purposes. In the 20th century, the term "retool" gained popularity in the manufacturing and business world, taking on a broader meaning. Today, "retool" often refers to the process of updating skills, processes, or strategies to adapt to changing circumstances or technologies. This can apply to individuals, teams, or entire organizations looking to stay competitive and innovative in a rapidly evolving world.


to replace or change the machines or equipment in a factory so that it can produce new or better goods

thay thế hoặc thay đổi máy móc hoặc thiết bị trong nhà máy để có thể sản xuất ra hàng hóa mới hoặc tốt hơn

to organize something in a new or different way

để tổ chức một cái gì đó trong một cách mới hoặc khác

  • The senator retooled his style and his campaign manager.

    Vị thượng nghị sĩ đã thay đổi phong cách và người quản lý chiến dịch của mình.