Definition of reparation


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The word "reparation" emerged in the early 20th century, primarily in the context of international law and relations. At the time, many countries had suffered significant damage during World War I, and there was a growing recognition of the need for mechanisms to address such harm and restore the affected parties to their pre-war positions. The concept of reparations in this context typically referred to financial compensation that was imposed on a losing state as a condition of its surrender or as part of a peace settlement. The Paris Peace Conference of 1919, which marked the formal end of the war, included extensive provisions for reparations, including a series of steep financial penalties imposed on Germany. The use of the term "reparation" in this context stemmed from the idea that the injured parties deserved some form of compensation for the damage they had suffered, in order to help them "repair" or recover from the harm they had incurred. The term thus carried connotations of healing, restoration, and redress, as well as the idea of fairness and justice in restoring the balance of international relations. Today, the term "reparation" continues to be used in a variety of contexts, including legal disputes, medical treatments, and environmental restoration efforts. While its precise meaning and implications can vary depending on the context, it generally denotes a remedy for correction or repair of harm or wrongdoing.


money that is paid by a country that has lost a war, for the damage, injuries, etc. that it has caused

số tiền được trả bởi một quốc gia thua trận, cho những thiệt hại, thương tích, v.v. mà quốc gia đó đã gây ra

the act of giving something to somebody or doing something for them in order to show that you are sorry that you have caused them to suffer

hành động đưa cái gì đó cho ai đó hoặc làm điều gì đó cho họ để thể hiện rằng bạn rất tiếc vì đã khiến họ đau khổ

  • Offenders should be forced to make reparation to the community.

    Người phạm tội phải bị buộc phải bồi thường cho cộng đồng.