Definition of redemption


chuộc lỗi


The word "redemption" comes from the Old English word "rdōm," which refers to a payment or ransom made to free someone from slavery or captivity. In the context of Christianity, the concept of redemption is rooted in the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament's book of Exodus, in which God "redeems" the Israelites from slavery in Egypt through the leadership of Moses. In the New Testament, redemption takes on a deeper and more spiritual meaning, as it refers to the salvation and rescue of human souls from sin and eternal separation from God through Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Overall, the word "redemption" represents the idea of deliverance, release, and restoration to a state of wholeness and purity.


the act of saving or state of being saved from the power of evil; the act of redeeming

hành động cứu rỗi hoặc trạng thái được cứu khỏi quyền lực của sự dữ; hành động chuộc lỗi

  • the redemption of the world from sin

    sự cứu chuộc thế giới khỏi tội lỗi

Extra examples:
  • She believes that humanity is in need of redemption.

    Cô tin rằng nhân loại đang cần được cứu chuộc.

  • redemption from evil

    sự cứu chuộc khỏi cái ác

the act of exchanging shares for money (= of redeeming them)

hành động trao đổi cổ phiếu lấy tiền (= mua lại chúng)

  • A charge is payable on redemption.

    Một khoản phí phải trả khi quy đổi.

  • There is a fee for early redemption.

    Có một khoản phí để chuộc lại sớm.


beyond/past redemption
too bad to be saved or improved
  • After another incident at the weekend, the club's reputation for violence is beyond redemption.
  • Washington journalism is corrupt beyond redemption.