Definition of quiescence


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The word "quiescence" originates from the Latin words "quies," meaning "rest" or "quiet," and the suffix "-ence," indicating a state or condition. In English, the word has been in use since the 15th century to describe a state of inactivity, dormancy, or rest, particularly in biological or medical contexts. In biology, quiescence refers to the state of quietude or dormancy in which certain cells, tissues, or organisms temporarily cease to function or grow. This can occur as a natural response to environmental changes, stress, or damage. In medical contexts, quiescence is often used to describe the state of tumor cells that have stopped growing or dividing, temporarily or permanently. Quiescence can also refer to the state of organs or tissues during hibernation, sleep, or other periods of reduced activity. Overall, the word "quiescence" captures the idea of quiet, restful inactivity, whether in biological, medical, or more general contexts.


the state of being quiet or not active

trạng thái im lặng hoặc không hoạt động

  • the quiescence of trade union action during the 1930s

    sự im lặng của hoạt động công đoàn trong những năm 1930

a period during which a disease, etc. does not develop, especially when this is a temporary state

một khoảng thời gian mà bệnh tật, v.v. không phát triển, đặc biệt khi đây là trạng thái tạm thời

  • periods of disease quiescence

    thời kỳ bệnh tật tạm lắng

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