Definition of punch


đấm, thụi, quả đấm, cú thụi


Definition of undefined

The word "punch" has a rich etymology that dates back to the 16th century. It originated from the Hindi word "panch," which refers to a mixture of spices, including sal ammoniac, white vinegar, and other ingredients. This mixture was used to create a refreshing drink or snack, known as "paan," which was popular in India and Southeast Asia. When British sailors and traders came into contact with paan, they adapted the concept to create a similar drink, using ginger, sugar, and other ingredients. This adaptation was known as "punch," which initially meant a strong, spiced liquor. Over time, the term "punch" expanded to include any mixture of ingredients, such as fruit, cream, and spices, often served in a bowl or cup. Today, the word "punch" encompasses a wide range of drinks, from savory to sweet, and is enjoyed globally.


to hit somebody/something hard with your fist (= closed hand)

đánh ai đó/thứ gì đó cứng bằng nắm đấm của bạn (= khép tay)

  • He was kicked and punched as he lay on the ground.

    Anh ta bị đá và đấm khi nằm trên mặt đất.

  • He was punching the air in triumph.

    Anh ta đang đấm vào không khí trong chiến thắng.

  • She punched him on the nose.

    Cô đấm vào mũi anh ta.

Extra examples:
  • I punched the pillow in frustration.

    Tôi bực tức đấm vào gối.

  • His attacker had punched him hard in the face.

    Kẻ tấn công đã đấm mạnh vào mặt anh ta.

  • She playfully punched him on the arm.

    Cô tinh nghịch đấm vào tay anh.

  • He punched the other boy in the stomach.

    Anh ta đấm vào bụng cậu bé kia.

to make a hole in something with a punch or some other sharp object

tạo một lỗ trên vật gì đó bằng cú đấm hoặc vật sắc nhọn khác

  • to punch a time card

    để đấm một thẻ thời gian

  • The machine punches a row of holes in the metal sheet.

    Máy đục một hàng lỗ trên tấm kim loại.

to press buttons or keys on a computer, phone, etc. in order to operate it

nhấn các nút hoặc phím trên máy tính, điện thoại, v.v. để vận hành nó

  • I punched the button to summon the elevator.

    Tôi bấm nút gọi thang máy.


punch above your weight
to be or try to be more successful than others in doing something that normally requires more skill, experience, money, etc. than you have
  • This player seems to be able to constantly punch above his weight.
  • He punched above his weight as the party’s foreign affairs spokesman.