Definition of pulpy




"Pulpy" originates from the word "pulp," which itself has a fascinating history. "Pulp" comes from the Latin "pulpa," meaning "flesh" or "soft part." This referred to the edible fleshy part of fruit or vegetables. Over time, "pulp" evolved to describe the soft, mushy substance found in these fruits and vegetables. This sense then expanded to encompass other soft, often messy materials, including paper and wood. "Pulpy" arose as the adjectival form of "pulp," signifying something possessing the qualities of being soft, mushy, or fleshy.


soft and wet, especially as a result of being pressed or cooked

mềm và ướt, đặc biệt là do bị ép hoặc nấu chín

  • Cook the fruit slowly until soft and pulpy.

    Nấu trái cây từ từ cho đến khi mềm và giòn.

containing subject matter of little value

chứa chủ đề có ít giá trị

  • pulpy horror novels

    tiểu thuyết kinh dị nhảm nhí