Definition of creamy




The word "creamy" likely originated from the Old French word "creme," which meant "cream" in the sense of the fatty part of milk. The suffix "-y" was added to create an adjective, meaning "like cream" or "resembling cream." The term was first recorded in the 14th century, and its meaning has evolved to include not just the texture of cream, but also its color and smoothness, making it a popular descriptor for a variety of things, from food to cosmetics.


thick and smooth like cream; containing a lot of cream

dày và mịn như kem; chứa rất nhiều kem

  • a creamy sauce/soup

    nước sốt/súp kem

Extra examples:
  • It tastes deliciously creamy.

    Nó có vị kem thơm ngon.

  • Stir the mixture until it looks creamy.

    Khuấy hỗn hợp cho đến khi nó trông như kem.

between yellow and white in colour

giữa màu vàng và màu trắng

  • creamy skin

    da kem

  • creamy white flowers

    hoa màu trắng kem