Definition of viscous




The word "viscous" comes from the Latin adjective "viscosus," meaning "sticky" or "thick." In ancient Roman times, the word was used to describe thick, glue-like substances, such as tree sap, tar, and bitumen. The term viscous is still used today to describe substances that are thick, sticky, and flow slowly, such as honey, molasses, or syrup. Viscous substances have a high coefficient of viscosity, which is a measure of their resistance to flow. This means that they require a lot of force to be moved, making them difficult to pour or pump. Because of their thick consistency, viscous substances can also trap air bubbles, which can make them difficult to defend against the formation of air pockets due to their tendency to resist flow. In scientific and engineering contexts, the term viscous is also used to describe fluids that exhibit viscosity, or resistance to flow. Viscous fluids, such as water, oil, and blood, have a more pronounced trace of flow resistance on solid surfaces. Whether it's honey, quicksand, or blood, whenever something adheres stiffly to an object, we often refer to it as viscous. In summary, the origin of the word "viscous" can be traced back to the Latin language and its meaning of thick and sticky substances. Today, the term remains consistent with its original meaning, indicating a substance's thick and heavy properties.

  • The syrup that came out of the can was viscous, making it difficult to pour onto the pancakes.

    Xi-rô chảy ra từ lon có độ nhớt cao, khiến việc đổ lên bánh kếp trở nên khó khăn.

  • The honey was so viscous that it clung to the spoon, rather than sliding off like a watery substance would.

    Mật ong nhớt đến mức nó bám chặt vào thìa thay vì trôi đi như chất lỏng.

  • The molasses was dangerously viscous, catching onto the handles of the container almost glue-like.

    Mật mía có độ nhớt nguy hiểm, bám vào tay cầm của hộp đựng giống như keo.

  • The dough was viscous and sticky, making it challenging to knead without adding more flour.

    Bột nhão và dính, khiến việc nhào trở nên khó khăn nếu không thêm bột mì.

  • The engine oil that flowed through the machinery was thick and viscous, helping to lubricate the moving parts.

    Dầu động cơ chảy qua máy móc đặc và nhớt, giúp bôi trơn các bộ phận chuyển động.

  • The nanofluid that was used in the heat-exchange experiment was viscous due to the suspension of nanoparticles.

    Chất lỏng nano được sử dụng trong thí nghiệm trao đổi nhiệt có độ nhớt do có các hạt nano lơ lửng.

  • The Viscoelastic foam, made of polyurethane, was both elastic and viscous in consistency, providing excellent cushioning properties.

    Bọt Viscoelastic làm từ polyurethane có độ đàn hồi và độ nhớt cao, mang lại khả năng đệm tuyệt vời.

  • The air pollution in the city led to a thick smog that hung in the air, making it viscous and difficult to breathe.

    Ô nhiễm không khí ở thành phố đã tạo ra lớp sương mù dày đặc trong không khí, khiến không khí trở nên đặc quánh và khó thở.

  • The muddy terrain was so viscous that the wheels of the truck struggled to find traction, making the drive down the boar a tedious and slow ordeal.

    Địa hình lầy lội đến mức bánh xe tải phải vật lộn để có lực kéo, khiến việc lái xe xuống con đường lầy lội trở thành một thử thách tẻ nhạt và chậm chạp.

  • The semolina dough was thick and viscous, making it challenging to mold into different shapes, but ultimately resulted in delicious Italian pastries.

    Bột semolina đặc và nhớt, khiến việc tạo hình thành nhiều hình dạng khác nhau trở nên khó khăn, nhưng cuối cùng lại cho ra đời những chiếc bánh ngọt Ý thơm ngon.