Definition of primacy


tính ưu việt


The word "primacy" originally comes from the Latin word "primatus," meaning "firstness." In Christian theology, specifically in Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions, primacy refers to the authority or leadership held by the bishop of Rome, also known as the Pope. This concept of primacy in religious leadership can be traced back to the ancient Church, where bishops held significant authority within their local communities. However, as the Church expanded and became more centralized, the idea of a single leader with authority over all other bishops emerged. This idea was formalized in the 4th century with the establishment of the concept of the Pope as the "first among equals" in the hierarchy of the Church, followed by the proclamation of the Papal primacy at the Council of Constance in the 15th century. In other contexts, such as in politics or academics, primacy can refer to the preeminent position, influence, or authority of one individual or institution over others in a particular domain.


the fact of being the most important person or thing

thực tế là người hoặc vật quan trọng nhất

  • a belief in the primacy of the family

    niềm tin vào tính ưu việt của gia đình

  • This college emphasizes the primacy of teaching over research.

    Trường đại học này nhấn mạnh tính ưu việt của việc giảng dạy hơn là nghiên cứu.

  • This approach gives primacy to facts.

    Cách tiếp cận này mang lại tính ưu việt cho sự thật.

the position of an archbishop

vị trí của một tổng giám mục