Definition of preposterously


một cách vô lý


The word "preposterously" has a fascinating history. It has its roots in the 15th century, derived from the Latin phrase "prae posterum," which literally means "before the rear." This Latin phrase was used to describe an arrangement of letters or words where the sequence was reversed, such as a Latin phrase written in reverse order. Over time, the phrase evolved into the English word "preposterous," meaning absurd, foolish, or ridiculous. In the 17th century, the suffix "-ly" was added to create the adverb "preposterously," which means in a preposterous or absurd manner. Today, "preposterously" is used to describe something that is utterly unreasonable, ridiculous, or contrary to what is expected. For example, "The restaurant's claim that they served the world's largest pizza preposterously overstated their achievement."


in a way that is completely unreasonable, especially when it shocks or annoys you

theo một cách hoàn toàn vô lý, đặc biệt là khi nó làm bạn sốc hoặc khó chịu

  • a preposterously expensive bottle of wine

    một chai rượu đắt tiền một cách vô lý

Related words and phrases

in a way that is greater than what seems reasonable or appropriate

theo cách lớn hơn những gì có vẻ hợp lý hoặc phù hợp

  • She was relatively poor and he was preposterously rich.

    Cô ấy khá nghèo còn anh ấy thì giàu một cách vô lý.