Definition of absurd


vô lý


The word "absurd" has its roots in ancient Latin. The Latin term "absurdus" means "out of tune" or "discordant", and was used to describe something that is inconsistent or irrational. The word was later adopted into Middle French as "absurde", where it took on a broader meaning encompassing anything that is unreasonable, humorous, or ridiculous. Philosopher Albert Camus popularized the term in the 20th century with his concept of the "absurd", which posits that humanity's search for meaning and purpose in an indifferent universe is inherently futile. Under this definition, the "absurd" refers to the clash between humanity's desire for reason and the apparent meaninglessness of the universe. Today, the word "absurd" has become a popular term in literature, philosophy, and everyday language, often used to describe something that is nonsensical, illogical, or absurdly humorous.


extremely silly; not logical and sensible

cực kỳ ngớ ngẩn; không logic và hợp lý

  • That uniform makes the guards look absurd.

    Bộ đồng phục đó khiến lính canh trông thật lố bịch.

  • Of course it's not true, what an absurd idea.

    Tất nhiên điều đó không đúng, thật là một ý tưởng ngớ ngẩn.

Extra examples:
  • She found the whole concept faintly absurd.

    Cô thấy toàn bộ khái niệm này hơi vô lý.

  • Such beliefs are patently absurd.

    Những niềm tin như vậy rõ ràng là vô lý.

  • Don't be absurd! Why would he want to do a thing like that?

    Đừng vô lý! Tại sao anh ấy lại muốn làm một việc như vậy?

  • I must say I felt faintly absurd.

    Tôi phải nói rằng tôi cảm thấy hơi vô lý.

  • It's absurd to suggest that I'm being unprofessional.

    Thật vô lý khi cho rằng tôi không chuyên nghiệp.

Related words and phrases

things that are or that seem to be absurd

những điều đó hoặc có vẻ là vô lý

  • He has a good sense of the absurd.

    Anh ấy có một cảm giác tốt về sự vô lý.