Definition of astronomical


thiên văn học


The word "astronomical" originates from the Greek words "astron" meaning "star" and "nomos" meaning "law" or "custom". In ancient Greek, the term "astronomia" referred to the study of the movements and patterns of celestial bodies, which was considered a highly complex and mysterious field. Over time, the term "astronomical" evolved to describe not only the scientific study of space and celestial bodies but also things that are extremely large or seemingly impossible, much like the vastness of the stars and galaxies. Today, the word "astronomical" is often used metaphorically to describe something that is vast, immense, or improbable, such as an "astronomical" amount of money or an "astronomical" task. This usage is a nod to the original meaning of the word, which was to describe something that was beyond human comprehension or control.


connected with astronomy

liên quan đến thiên văn học

  • astronomical observations

    quan sát thiên văn

very large

rất lớn

  • the astronomical price of land for building

    giá đất xây dựng trên trời

  • The figures are astronomical.

    Những con số này thật là khổng lồ.

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