Definition of pitiable


đáng thương


The word "pitiable" is derived from the Latin root word "pietà," which means pity or compassion. The Latin word originated from the Classical Greek word "ecommands," which also means pity or compassion. In Middle English, the word took on the form "piteel" before evolving into its contemporary form "pitiable" around the 16th century. The "a" at the end of "piteel" transformed into an "e" as English spelling underwent significant changes during this time. The root of "pietà" strongly emphasizes the feeling of pity or compassion, which is evident in the meaning of the word "pitiable" today, where it describes someone or something that inspires feelings of pity or compassion due to their suffering or vulnerability.


deserving pity or causing you to feel pity

đáng thương hại hoặc khiến bạn cảm thấy thương hại

  • The animals were in a pitiable state.

    Các con vật ở trong tình trạng đáng thương.

  • Her life was pitiable and sad.

    Cuộc đời của cô thật đáng thương và đau buồn.

not deserving respect

không đáng được tôn trọng

  • a pitiable lack of talent

    sự thiếu tài năng đáng thương