Definition of perspiration


mồ hôi


The word "perspiration" originated from the Latin word "perspirare," which literally means "to breathe through." In ancient Rome, "perspirare" was used to describe the breathing pattern of newborn infants as they took their first breaths outside the womb, and it was also used to describe how plants open and close their small pores to facilitate breathing and release moisture. Over time, the word "perspiration" came to be associated with the release of sweat by the human body. In the 17th century, English physiologists such as Thomas Willis and William Harvey began to use the term "perspiration" to describe the process by which sweat exits the body through the sweat glands in response to heat or physical exertion. The use of "perspiration" to describe the release of sweat gained widespread popularity in the 18th and 19th centuries as scientific knowledge of the human body grew. Today, "perspiration" is a well-known and commonly used term in medical and scientific fields, as well as in everyday language to describe the process by which sweat leaves the body.


drops of liquid that form on your skin when you are hot

giọt chất lỏng hình thành trên da khi bạn nóng

  • Beads of perspiration stood out on his forehead.

    Những giọt mồ hôi nổi rõ trên trán anh.

  • Her skin was damp with perspiration.

    Da cô ướt đẫm mồ hôi.

Extra examples:
  • Great beads of perspiration trickled down his forehead.

    Những giọt mồ hôi lớn chảy xuống trán anh.

  • He wiped the perspiration from his brow.

    Anh lau mồ hôi trên trán.

  • Her face was wet with perspiration.

    Mặt cô ướt đẫm mồ hôi.

  • My shirt was soaked in perspiration.

    Áo tôi ướt đẫm mồ hôi.

  • Perspiration broke out on my skin.

    Mồ hôi túa ra trên da tôi.

  • Perspiration ran down his face.

    Mồ hôi chảy dài trên mặt anh.

Related words and phrases

the act of perspiring

hành động đổ mồ hôi

  • Perspiration cools the skin in hot weather.

    Đổ mồ hôi làm mát da trong thời tiết nóng bức.