Definition of dehydration


mất nước


The word "dehydration" has its origin in early 17th-century Latin. It is derived from the prefix "de-" meaning "from" or "away from", the Greek word "hydor" meaning "water", and the suffix "-ation" which forms a noun indicating a process or state. In medical contexts, dehydration refers to a state of the body where there is an abnormally low amount of water in the tissues and organs. This can occur due to various reasons such as insufficient fluid intake, excessive loss of fluids, or certain medical conditions. The term "dehydration" was first recorded in English scientific literature in the 1640s, during the time of the English Renaissance. It was later formalized and widely used in the field of medicine and chemistry. Today, the term is commonly used in various fields, including medicine, chemistry, and environmental science, referring to the process or state of losing moisture or removing water from a substance or system.


the condition of having lost too much water from your body

tình trạng cơ thể mất quá nhiều nước

  • to suffer from dehydration

    bị mất nước

the process of removing water from something

quá trình loại bỏ nước khỏi một cái gì đó

  • a vegetable dehydration facility

    một cơ sở sấy khô rau