Definition of pathological


bệnh lý


The word "pathological" originates from the Greek words "pathos" meaning "suffering" or "disease" and "logos" meaning "study" or "science". In medicine, the term was first used in the 17th century to describe the scientific study of diseases and their characteristics. Over time, the term evolved to describe not only the scientific study of diseases but also the abnormal conditions or disorders that affect an individual's physical or mental health. In the late 18th century, the term "pathological" began to be used in a more general sense to describe any abnormal or abnormal behavior, thus linking the concept of disease or disorder to abnormal psychological or behavioral patterns. Today, the word "pathological" is commonly used in a variety of contexts, including medicine, psychology, and beyond to describe any condition or behavior that is considered abnormal or deviant.


not reasonable or sensible; impossible to control

không hợp lý hoặc không có lý trí; không thể kiểm soát được

  • pathological fear/hatred/violence

    sợ hãi/ghét bỏ/bạo lực bệnh lý

  • a pathological liar (= a person who cannot stop telling lies)

    một kẻ nói dối bệnh hoạn (= một người không thể ngừng nói dối)

caused by, or connected with, disease or illness

gây ra bởi, hoặc liên quan đến, bệnh tật hoặc ốm đau

  • pathological depression

    trầm cảm bệnh lý

connected with pathology

liên quan đến bệnh lý