Definition of mutter


lẩm bẩm


The German word "muttern" originally meant to speak softly or in a low voice, as mothers often did while feeding or soothing their babies. It comes from the Old High German word "mottara," which meant to murmur or speak in a low voice. The Old English word "mytren," which also meant to mumble or whisper, is thought to have influenced the development of the German word. In Middle English, the word "murdern" was used in the sense of whispering or murmuring, and it is also related to the Old English word "mytren" as well as the Old Norse word "myrgnasi," which meant frightful or threatening. Over time, "muttern" and its cognates in other Germanic languages (such as the Dutch word "nermen" or the Old Norse word "myrtha") have taken on a variety of meanings, including to complain, grumble, or idlely chatter. The origins of these meanings likely reflect the ways that people spoke and interacted with their surroundings in different historical and cultural contexts. For example, in Old High German, "mottaren" could also mean to mumble or murmur in secret or while engaged in other tasks, which could be interpreted as an early sign of agitation or discontent. In Middle English, "murdern" could imply both speaking softly and keeping the meaning of one's words hidden or obscure, which could have significant social or political implications in contexts of secrecy or conspiracy. Today, the modern German word "muttern" generally refers to speaking to oneself in a low voice, often as a result of distraction or preoccupation. Its connection to the history of the German language and its roots in Old High German serve as a fascinating reminder of the ways that words and their meanings can evolve over time, shaped by the experiences and perspectives of the people who use them.


to speak or say something in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about something

nói hoặc nói điều gì đó với giọng nhỏ nhẹ khó nghe, đặc biệt là khi bạn đang khó chịu về điều gì đó

  • ‘How dare she,’ he muttered under his breath.

    “Sao cô ấy dám,” anh lẩm bẩm trong hơi thở.

  • She just sat there muttering to herself.

    Cô chỉ ngồi đó lẩm bẩm một mình.

  • I muttered something about needing to get back to work.

    Tôi lẩm bẩm điều gì đó về việc cần phải quay lại làm việc.

  • He muttered that he was sorry.

    Anh lẩm bẩm rằng anh xin lỗi.

Extra examples:
  • ‘I don't need a drink, ’ she muttered through clenched teeth.

    “Tôi không cần uống nước,” cô lẩm bẩm qua hàm răng nghiến chặt.

  • He was muttering incoherently to himself.

    Anh đang lẩm bẩm một cách không mạch lạc với chính mình.

  • Helen began muttering darkly about hospitals.

    Helen bắt đầu lẩm bẩm một cách u ám về bệnh viện.

  • She heard him mutter an oath under his breath.

    Cô nghe thấy anh lẩm bẩm một lời thề trong hơi thở.

  • She muttered something about the incompetence of the office staff.

    Cô lẩm bẩm điều gì đó về sự kém cỏi của nhân viên văn phòng.

to complain about something, without saying publicly what you think

phàn nàn về điều gì đó mà không nói ra công khai những gì bạn nghĩ

  • Workers continued to mutter about the management.

    Công nhân tiếp tục lẩm bẩm về việc quản lý.

  • A number of non-British visitors were heard to mutter that it would not have happened in Frankfurt.

    Một số du khách không phải người Anh đã lẩm bẩm rằng điều đó sẽ không xảy ra ở Frankfurt.

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