Definition of musically


về mặt âm nhạc


The word "musically" has a fascinating history. It is derived from the Latin word "musica," meaning music, and the suffix "-ally," which forms an adverb. The word "musically" first appeared in the English language in the 15th century, describing something done in a musical manner. Initially, "musically" referred to a musical quality or tone, such as "skilled musically" or "sung musically." Over time, the word took on a broader meaning, describing something that is related to music or done in a musical way. Today, "musically" is often used in the context of digital music platforms, such as YouTube's "Musically" app, which allowed users to create and share short music videos. The word has also become a popular term in the music industry, used to describe artists or songs that have a strong musical quality.


in a way that is connected with music

theo cách liên quan đến âm nhạc

  • musically gifted

    có năng khiếu âm nhạc

  • Musically speaking, their latest album is nothing special.

    Về mặt âm nhạc, album mới nhất của họ không có gì đặc biệt.

with musical skill

với kỹ năng âm nhạc

  • He plays really musically.

    Anh ấy chơi nhạc thực sự rất hay.

in a way that is pleasant to listen to, like music

theo cách dễ nghe, như âm nhạc

  • to laugh/speak musically

    cười/nói một cách du dương