Definition of mush


bột nhão


The word "mush" has a fascinating origin! It comes from the Old English word "mose," which referred to a soft, wet, or boggy ground. This sense of the word relates to the idea of something being overgrown or soggy, like moss on a rock. Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word evolved. In the 17th century, "mush" began to take on a culinary connotation, referring to soft, ground cooked grains such as oatmeal or barley. Today, we use "mush" to describe a range of foods, from soft-boiled eggs to soft, bland textures. The word has also taken on a broader sense of something being overcooked or deformed, like a soggy or soupy mess. Whether in cooking, language, or everyday life, the word "mush" has a humble and endearing history.


a soft thick mass or mixture

một khối hoặc hỗn hợp dày mềm

  • The vegetables had turned to mush.

    Rau đã chuyển sang dạng bột nhão.

  • The ground was a mush of wet leaves.

    Mặt đất là một đống lá ướt.

  • His insides suddenly felt like mush.

    Bên trong anh đột nhiên cảm thấy như bột nhão.

a type of thick porridge made from corn (maize)

một loại cháo đặc làm từ ngô (ngô)