Definition of logjam




"Logjam" originated in the 19th century, reflecting the literal situation of logs jamming a river. This image became metaphorical, depicting a situation stuck due to obstruction or blockage. The term first appeared in print in 1855, likely stemming from the booming lumber industry in the American Northeast and Canada. The word combines the noun "log," referring to a piece of wood, with "jam," which means to become stuck or blocked. The metaphor emphasizes the feeling of being stuck and unable to move forward, similar to logs piling up in a river.


a difficult situation in which you cannot make progress easily, especially because people cannot agree

một tình huống khó khăn mà bạn không thể tiến bộ một cách dễ dàng, đặc biệt là vì mọi người không thể đồng ý

  • The president intervened to break the logjam on the issue.

    Tổng thống đã can thiệp để phá vỡ thế bế tắc về vấn đề này.

Related words and phrases

a mass of logs floating on a river and blocking it

một khối gỗ trôi nổi trên sông và chặn nó