Definition of obstruction


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The origin of the word "obstruction" can be traced back to Old French, where it was spelled as "obstruccioun" and meant "preventing something from passing." This French word derived from the Latin term "obstructio," which was formed from the prefix "ob" (meaning "against") and the verb "sternere" (meaning "to prevent" or "to push back"). The Latin word "obstructio" was initially used to describe something that obstructed or hindered the course of justice in legal proceedings. It was later adopted by English lawyers in the Middle Ages to refer to any act that intentionally interfered with the proper functioning of a legal system or process. The word "obstruction" began to take on broader meanings over time, including impeding progress or obstructing movement. It eventually came to be used in a variety of contexts, such as referring to physical barriers that interfere with travel or motion, as well as to actions that hinder or delay progress in various fields, such as economics, politics, and science. In its most general sense, the term "obstruction" is now commonly used to denote any act or force that causes hindrance, blockage, or impediment to the normal or intended course of action or operation.

  • The judge found the accused guilty of obstruction of justice, as she attempted to influence witness testimony.

    Thẩm phán tuyên bố bị cáo có tội cản trở công lý vì đã cố gắng tác động đến lời khai của nhân chứng.

  • The obstruction caused by the fallen tree on the highway caused major delays in rush hour traffic.

    Sự cản trở do cây đổ trên đường cao tốc gây ra tình trạng chậm trễ lớn trong giao thông vào giờ cao điểm.

  • Medical devices designed to prevent obstructions in the airways are critical for individuals with respiratory disorders.

    Các thiết bị y tế được thiết kế để ngăn ngừa tắc nghẽn đường thở rất quan trọng đối với những người mắc các bệnh về hô hấp.

  • The obstruction created by the clogged drain prevented water from flowing through the sink.

    Sự tắc nghẽn do cống thoát nước bị tắc đã ngăn không cho nước chảy qua bồn rửa.

  • Obstruction in the trading of stocks can negatively affect the overall performance of the stock market.

    Sự cản trở trong giao dịch chứng khoán có thể ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến hiệu suất chung của thị trường chứng khoán.

  • Obstructions in the body, such as gallstones or kidney stones, can cause pain and discomfort.

    Các vật cản trong cơ thể, chẳng hạn như sỏi mật hoặc sỏi thận, có thể gây đau đớn và khó chịu.

  • The obstruction in the plumbing system required the services of a professional plumber to fix.

    Sự tắc nghẽn trong hệ thống ống nước đòi hỏi phải có thợ sửa ống nước chuyên nghiệp để sửa chữa.

  • The obstruction of sunlight by the buildings in the city is a common urban problem.

    Việc các tòa nhà trong thành phố che khuất ánh sáng mặt trời là một vấn đề phổ biến ở đô thị.

  • The obstruction in the formation of the bill in Congress derailed the passage of necessary legislation.

    Sự cản trở trong việc hình thành dự luật tại Quốc hội đã làm chệch hướng việc thông qua luật cần thiết.

  • The obstruction of the flow of water in the river by the dam created hydroelectric power for the community.

    Việc ngăn chặn dòng nước chảy trên sông bằng đập đã tạo ra nguồn điện thủy điện cho cộng đồng.


have/want none of something
to refuse to accept something
  • I offered to pay but he was having none of it.
  • They pretended to be enthusiastic about my work but then suddenly decided they wanted none of it.
  • none but
  • None but he knew the truth.
  • none the less
    despite this fact
    none other than
    used to emphasize who or what somebody/something is, when this is surprising
  • Her first customer was none other than Mrs Obama.