Definition of lighter


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The word "lighter" as we know it today refers to a device used to ignite cigarettes, cigars, cigarettes, and other forms of tobacco or cannabis products. The term originated in the 1800s, derived from the verb "to light," which means to ignite a flame or make something bright or luminous. Initially, lighters were simply pieces of thin metal, folded together like a pocket knife, and filled with pressed flakes of phosphorus, which caught fire when struck against a rough surface. These early lighters, also known as "café matches" or "barber's matches," proved to be dangerous and unreliable, often igniting in pockets or causing serious burns when dropped. In the late 1800s, Swedish chemist Gustaf Erik Pasch created a safer and more efficient alternative to the phosphorus lighters—the "Swedish match." The new innovation consisted of a wooden stick with a thin, red tip that burned for only a few seconds upon striking, making it ideal for lighting cigarettes and cigars. However, the development of the cigarette lighter began in the early 1900s when men known as "cigarette kings" introduced the first "petroleum lighters" in America. These devices resembled small, pocket-sized kerosene lamps, but instead of an oil wick, they contained a disposable flint wheel that sparked a tiny flame upon striking against a small metal piece. These early lighters were the predecessors of the modern-day cigarette lighters, which have evolved over time, incorporating fancy designs, fuel sources ranging from butane to liquid petroleum gas, windproof elements, and added safety features, such as childproof caps and trigger guards. Today, cigarette lighters are a popular means of igniting tobacco and cannabis products, with an estimated 4 billion lighters sold annually worldwide.


a small device that produces a flame for lighting cigarettes, etc.

một thiết bị nhỏ tạo ra ngọn lửa để châm thuốc lá, v.v.

  • He flicked his lighter but it didn’t catch.

    Anh ta bật bật lửa nhưng nó không bắt được.

  • She pulled out a small silver lighter from her bag.

    Cô lấy từ trong túi ra một chiếc bật lửa nhỏ màu bạc.

a boat with a flat bottom used for carrying goods to and from ships in harbour

một chiếc thuyền có đáy phẳng dùng để chở hàng hóa ra vào cảng