Definition of effervescent


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The word "effervescent" comes from the Latin root "fervescere," which means "to boil." In the Middle Ages, alchemists used the term "fervescent" to describe a chemical reaction that produced bubbles in a liquid, resembling boiling water. The English language adopted the word "effervescent" in the 16th century, and it originally referred specifically to medicinal concoctions that fizzed when mixed with water. By the 18th century, "effervescent" had broadened in meaning to describe anything that sparkled, bubbled, or produced a lively or vivacious quality, such as a lively conversation or a bubbly personality. Today, the term continues to be used to describe anything that seems to radiate energy, vitality, and enthusiasm.


excited, enthusiastic and full of energy

hào hứng, nhiệt tình và tràn đầy năng lượng

  • a warm effervescent personality

    một cá tính sôi nổi ấm áp

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