Definition of latex


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The word "latex" has its origins in ancient Greece and Rome. The Greek word "latex" (λατекс) referred to a type of sap or juice that could be extracted from plants, particularly the rubber plant (Hevea brasiliensis). The Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder wrote about latex in his book "Naturalis Historia". In the 19th century, the term "latex" was revived by scientists to describe a type of natural rubber that was extracted from the sap of the rubber plant. This latex was used to make various products, including rubber gloves, condoms, and medical tubing. Today, the term "latex" is used more broadly to describe a type of synthetic or natural polymer that is derived from a mixture of water and monomers. It is commonly used in products such as paints, adhesives, and medical supplies. Despite its modern usage, the word "latex" still retains its historical connection to the natural sap of the rubber plant.


a thick white liquid that is produced by some plants and trees, especially rubber trees. Latex becomes solid when exposed to air, and is used to make medical products, clothes and masks.

một chất lỏng màu trắng đặc được tạo ra bởi một số loại cây và thực vật, đặc biệt là cây cao su. Mủ cao su trở nên rắn khi tiếp xúc với không khí và được sử dụng để làm các sản phẩm y tế, quần áo và khẩu trang.

  • latex gloves

    găng tay cao su

an artificial substance similar to this that is used to make paint, glue (= a sticky substance used for joining things together), etc.

một chất nhân tạo tương tự như chất này được dùng để làm sơn, keo (= chất dính dùng để gắn kết các vật lại với nhau), v.v.