Definition of programming


lập trình


The term "programming" originates from the world of music. In the 18th century, a program was a list of musical compositions to be performed at a concert, defining the order and sequence of the pieces. This concept was later applied to procedures and steps in various fields, including science and engineering. In the early 20th century, the term "program" started to be used to describe a set of instructions or procedures for solving a problem or achieving a goal. This concept was most prominent in the context of algorithmic calculation, where a program was seen as a series of instructions that a computer could execute to solve a specific problem. The term "programming" emerged as a result, referring to the act of creating these instructions or procedures. Today, programming is a fundamental aspect of computing, used in a wide range of fields to design, develop, and implement software and systems.


the process of writing and testing computer programs

quá trình viết và thử nghiệm các chương trình máy tính

  • programming languages

    ngôn ngữ lập trình

Related words and phrases

the planning of which television or radio programmes to broadcast

việc lập kế hoạch phát sóng chương trình truyền hình hoặc phát thanh nào

  • politically balanced programming

    lập trình cân bằng về mặt chính trị