Definition of template


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The word "template" originated from the Middle English word "temple," which meant "pattern" or "model." The term was borrowed by the Old French language as "temple" and initially referred to a model or a pattern used by craftsmen and builders to create replicas or copies of an original design. However, the term "template" evolved in the 16th century to refer to a specific type of pattern used in calligraphy. In calligraphy, a template was a marked or etched metal plate used as a model to guide the creation of individual letters or characters. The plate served as a guide for the artist, who could trace the outline with a pen or engraver to create a precise copy of the desired letter. The use of templates soon spread beyond calligraphy and was adopted by many other fields, including architecture, engineering, and graphic design. In each of these areas, a template is used as a guide or pattern to create a consistent and accurate result. Today, the concept of a template extends to digital applications like word processors, design software, and spreadsheets, where templates are used to provide a starting point for creating new documents, presentations, or worksheets. These digital templates often include ready-made text, formatting, and layout features that can be customized to fit specific needs. Overall, the history of the word "template" shows how a common term can evolve and adapt to serve a variety of different purposes and applications, from medieval calligraphy to modern-day digital document creation.


a shape cut out of a hard material, used as a model for producing exactly the same shape many times in another material

một hình dạng được cắt ra từ một vật liệu cứng, được sử dụng làm mô hình để tạo ra hình dạng giống hệt nhau nhiều lần trên vật liệu khác

  • Pressing the template firmly down on the plastic, cut around it with a knife.

    Nhấn mạnh mẫu xuống nhựa, dùng dao cắt xung quanh nó.

a thing that is used as a model for producing other similar examples

một thứ được sử dụng như một mô hình để sản xuất các ví dụ tương tự khác

  • If you need to write a lot of similar letters, set up a template on your computer.

    Nếu bạn cần viết nhiều chữ cái giống nhau, hãy thiết lập mẫu trên máy tính.

  • In our DNA we all carry a genetic template for the next generation.

    Trong DNA của chúng ta, tất cả chúng ta đều mang mẫu di truyền cho thế hệ tiếp theo.

  • The director uses his own childhood experiences as a template for the movie.

    Đạo diễn sử dụng những trải nghiệm thời thơ ấu của chính mình làm khuôn mẫu cho bộ phim.