Definition of typing


đánh máy


The word "typing" has its roots in the 18th century. The term was first used in the 1770s, derived from the verb "to type," which means to impress a mark or image on a material. In the context of printing, a type was a metal character or symbol used to print text. As the popularity of early typewriters grew, the term "typing" became associated with the act of pressing keys to produce written characters on a page. In the 1880s, the term gained widespread use, particularly with the introduction of Remington's first typewriter, the Sholes & Glidden Type-Writer. By the early 20th century, "typing" had become a common occupation, with typists working in offices, schools, and homes. Today, the term encompasses not only manual typing but also digital typing, carried out on computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices.


the activity or job of using a typewriter or computer to write something

hoạt động hoặc công việc sử dụng máy đánh chữ hoặc máy tính để viết một cái gì đó

  • to do the typing

    để thực hiện việc đánh máy

  • typing errors

    lỗi đánh máy

  • a course in shorthand and typing

    một khóa học về tốc ký và đánh máy

  • a typing pool (= a group of people who share a company’s typing work)

    nhóm đánh máy (= một nhóm người chia sẻ công việc đánh máy của công ty)

  • Could you do some typing for me?

    Bạn có thể đánh máy giúp tôi được không?

writing that has been done on a typewriter or computer

văn bản được viết trên máy đánh chữ hoặc máy tính