Definition of lagoon


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The word "lagoon" originates from the Italian language and means "shallow lake" in English. The term lagoon describes a body of water that is connected to a larger body of water, such as a sea or ocean, but is separated from it by a barrier, such as a sandbar, coral reef, or island. The Italian word "laguna" first appeared in the 16th century, derived from the Venetian dialect spoken in the coastal lagoon of the city of Venice. The Venetians used the word to refer to the low-lying, brackish lagoon adjacent to their city, which posed both a danger and a resource for their sailors. The English word "lagoon" came into usage during the 17th century, borrowed from the Italian dialect. It describes a natural feature that is often shallow and sheltered, ideal for nurturing marine life and providing a habitat for coastal ecosystems. Although lagoons are found in various geographical regions around the world, the most famous lagoons, and the ones which have contributed significantly to the evolution of the term "lagoon," are found in the Venetian Lagoon, along the coastlines of Venezuela, Brazil, and Florida in the Americas, and the Red Sea region in the Middle East and North Africa. In summary, the word "lagoon" has its roots in the Italian language, and it embodies the unique and fascinating geomorphological features of specialized water bodies that connect large bodies of water to smaller, enclosed shallow bodies of water.


a lake of salt water that is separated from the sea by a reef or an area of rock or sand

một hồ nước mặn được ngăn cách với biển bởi một rạn san hô hoặc một khu vực đá hoặc cát

a small area of fresh water near a lake or river

một vùng nước ngọt nhỏ gần hồ hoặc sông

  • We loved to go swimming in the lagoon.

    Chúng tôi thích đi bơi trong đầm.

an artificial area built to hold waste water before it is treated at a sewage works

khu vực nhân tạo được xây dựng để chứa nước thải trước khi được xử lý tại công trình xử lý nước thải