Definition of kudos


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The term "kudos" is used to describe praise, recognition, or honor that someone receives for their accomplishments or efforts. Its origin can be traced back to ancient Greek, where it was a rarefied form of the name of the god Kouros, who was associated with youth, beauty, and strength. The Greek word "kouros" (κουρος) originally referred to a male youth in Athenian society who had reached puberty but was not yet considered a man. It was also used to describe a sculpture or statue that depicted a youth in this stage of development. In the late 18th century, the English writer Thomas Baldwin coined the term "kudos" as a way of describing the honor and prestige that ancient Greek citizens bestowed upon their heroes, athletic champions, and other noteworthy individuals. Baldwin may have been inspired by the Greek word "kydron" (κυδρον), which referred to a special type of oil that was poured over Olympic victors as a gesture of honor and admiration. Over time, the word "kudos" became more widely used as a way of describing the respect, acclaim, and acknowledgment that people receive for their outstanding achievements, particularly in fields like sports, arts, and sciences. Today, it is a common part of English vocabulary, and is often used interchangeably with terms like "honors," "lauds," and "media."


the praise and honour that goes with a particular achievement or position

lời khen ngợi và vinh dự đi kèm với một thành tích hoặc vị trí cụ thể

  • the kudos of playing for such a famous team

    niềm vinh dự khi được chơi cho một đội bóng nổi tiếng như vậy

Extra examples:
  • Employees enjoy the kudos that the job brings as much as the financial rewards.

    Nhân viên tận hưởng những lời khen ngợi mà công việc mang lại cũng nhiều như những phần thưởng tài chính.

  • There was considerable kudos attached to being on the advisory board.

    Có rất nhiều lời khen ngợi khi được tham gia vào ban cố vấn.

Related words and phrases

special praise to somebody for something they have done

khen ngợi đặc biệt cho ai đó về việc gì họ đã làm

  • Kudos to Bill for fixing that problem.

    Cảm ơn Bill vì đã khắc phục vấn đề đó.

  • Special kudos goes to Patrick Stewart for his role as the captain.

    Lời khen ngợi đặc biệt dành cho Patrick Stewart với vai trò đội trưởng.

  • You have to give her kudos for keeping it secret.

    Bạn phải khen ngợi cô ấy vì đã giữ bí mật.