Definition of kindle




The word "kindle" originated in Middle English around the 1300s, derived from the Old English word cyndel, meaning "spark" or "firebrand." The initial spelling of the word was cynydel or cynyldel, and it was commonly used to refer to a lighted torch, candle, or piece of wood used to start a fire. Over time, the meaning of "kindle" evolved to apply not just to the physical act of lighting a fire but also to other forms of ignition or inspiration. By the 1500s, the word had come to mean "to set ablaze" or "to put in mind or emotions," referring to the spontaneous flame or passion that can be ignited in individuals. The modern definition of "kindle" has further expanded, encompassing the sense of "to arouse an emotion" or "to stimulate interest or thought," as in the phrase "kindling a desire to learn." Today, the word is commonly associated with devices like Kindles, e-readers that use an electronic ink display to produce a paper-like reading experience while allowing users to adjust font size and lighting. However, the connection between this contemporary usage and the ancient origins of the word highlights the enduring power of language to evolve and cross dimensions of meaning over time.


to start burning; to make a fire start burning

bắt đầu cháy; để làm cho ngọn lửa bắt đầu cháy

  • We watched as the fire slowly kindled.

    Chúng tôi nhìn ngọn lửa dần dần bùng lên.

  • to kindle a fire/flame

    đốt lửa/ngọn lửa

to make something such as an interest, emotion, etc. start to grow in somebody; to start to be felt by somebody

làm cho một điều gì đó như sự quan tâm, cảm xúc, v.v. bắt đầu phát triển ở ai đó; bắt đầu được ai đó cảm nhận

  • It was her teacher who kindled her interest in music.

    Chính giáo viên của cô đã khơi dậy niềm đam mê âm nhạc của cô.

  • Suspicion kindled within her.

    Sự nghi ngờ nhen nhóm trong cô.

  • She felt a warmth of pride kindle in her.

    Cô cảm thấy một niềm tự hào ấm áp dâng lên trong mình.