Definition of jiggle


lắc lư


The word "jiggle" has a fascinating history. The earliest recorded use of the word was in the 14th century, when it referred to a type of dance or movement characterized by a jigging or jerking motion. This sense of the word is thought to have originated from the Middle English word "ygelen", which means "to dance" or "to leap". Over time, the meaning of "jiggle" expanded to include other senses, such as "to move or cause to move with a wobbly or unsteady motion" (e.g., a loose tooth jiggling in one's mouth) or "to oscillate or vibrate slightly" (e.g., a loose screw jiggling in its socket). Today, "jiggle" is commonly used to describe a wide range of movements, from the dance floor to the kitchen (e.g., a ripe jelly bean jiggling in its container). And, of course, who can forget the classic phrase " jiggle your keys" as a prompt for showing nervous energy? The word "jiggle" has come a long way since its origins in the 14th century, but its playful and whimsical spirit remains intact.

  • The cartoon character's belly jiggled as he laughed uncontrollably.

    Bụng của nhân vật hoạt hình rung lên khi anh ta cười không ngừng.

  • The chocolate mousse jiggled slightly when my friend spooned it into her mouth.

    Kem sô-cô-la hơi rung lên khi bạn tôi múc vào miệng.

  • The baby's arms and legs jiggled as the mother bounced her gently to soothe her cries.

    Tay chân của em bé rung lên khi người mẹ nhẹ nhàng nhấc em lên để dỗ em nín khóc.

  • The gelatin mold wobbled and jiggled on the plate as it set in the refrigerator.

    Khuôn gelatin lắc lư và rung chuyển trên đĩa khi nó đông lại trong tủ lạnh.

  • As we walked across the wobbly wooden bridge, I could feel my feet jiggle with each step.

    Khi chúng tôi bước qua cây cầu gỗ lắc lư, tôi có thể cảm thấy chân mình rung lên theo mỗi bước đi.

  • The jelly doughnuts danced and jiggled as the carnival game operator tossed them into the air.

    Những chiếc bánh rán thạch nhảy múa và rung chuyển khi người điều hành trò chơi ném chúng lên không trung.

  • The fatty slices of bacon jiggled as they sizzled in the pan.

    Những lát thịt xông khói béo ngậy rung lên khi chúng xèo xèo trong chảo.

  • The flan's surface jiggled deliciously as my cousin spooned the dessert into her mouth.

    Bề mặt bánh flan rung lên thích thú khi em họ tôi múc món tráng miệng vào miệng.

  • The liquid inside the flask jiggled slowly as my friend performed a science experiment in her kitchen.

    Chất lỏng bên trong bình lắc nhẹ khi bạn tôi thực hiện thí nghiệm khoa học trong bếp.

  • The little bird perched on the branch jiggled its feathers to stay warm on a chilly evening.

    Con chim nhỏ đậu trên cành cây rung rung bộ lông để giữ ấm trong buổi tối lạnh giá.