Definition of insanity


chứng điên cuồng


The word "insanity" originated from the Latin word "insanus," which literally translates to "without sense." It was used to describe individuals who appeared to lack rationality or reason. In the Middle Ages, insanity was often associated with possession by demons or evil spirits. It was believed that such individuals were being punished by God for their alleged sins, and so they were typically subjected to exorcism or other forms of religious punishment. As medical knowledge began to progress in the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods, the understanding of mental illness shifted. Insanity came to be seen as a medical disorder, rather than a supernatural one. In the late 19th century, a prominent psychiatrist named Walter Freeman introduced the concept of "lobotomies" as a form of treatment for insanity. This involve drilling a hole in the patient's skull and severing the connections between the prefrontal cortex and other parts of the brain. The procedure was widely criticized for its barbaric and brutal nature, as it often left patients in a state of permanent disability. Today, the treatment of mental illness has evolved considerably, with a greater emphasis on medication, therapy, and holistic approaches. While the word "insanity" remains in common use to describe extreme acts or behaviors, the connotation of it as a medical disorder without moral judgment has largely faded from society's understanding.


the state of being insane

trạng thái điên rồ

  • He was found not guilty, by reason of insanity.

    Anh ta được cho là không có tội vì lý do điên rồ.

  • The legal definition of insanity varies from one jurisdiction to another.

    Định nghĩa pháp lý về bệnh điên khác nhau tùy theo từng khu vực pháp lý.

Extra examples:
  • Hamlet feigns insanity to disguise his bloody motive.

    Hamlet giả điên để che giấu động cơ đẫm máu của mình.

  • His lawyer got him off on an insanity plea.

    Luật sư của anh ta đã đuổi anh ta đi với một lời bào chữa điên rồ.

  • The insanity defence is one of the most controversial in law.

    Việc bào chữa cho sự điên rồ là một trong những vấn đề gây tranh cãi nhất trong luật.

actions that are very stupid and possibly dangerous

những hành động rất ngu ngốc và có thể nguy hiểm

  • It would be sheer insanity to attempt the trip in such bad weather.

    Sẽ thật điên rồ nếu cố gắng thực hiện chuyến đi trong thời tiết xấu như vậy.

  • Congress has one option to stop this insanity.

    Quốc hội có một lựa chọn để ngăn chặn sự điên rồ này.

  • But the show does capture the various insanities and absurdities of his life.

    Nhưng chương trình đã ghi lại những điều điên rồ và phi lý khác nhau trong cuộc đời anh.

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