Definition of inflexibly


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The word "inflexibly" originates from the 15th century Latin phrase "inflexibilis," which was derived from the prefixes "in-" (meaning "not" or "against") and "flexibilis" (meaning "flexible"). Initially, the word referred to something that could not be bent or shaped, such as a rigid material or a stubborn temperament. Over time, the meaning of "inflexibly" expanded to include the sense of being unwilling or unable to modify one's position or be accommodating. This connotation is likely due to the idea that something inflexible cannot be changed or influenced, much like an unbending material. Today, "inflexibly" is commonly used in English to describe an attitude, behavior, or decision that is stubbornly resistant to change or persuasion.


in a way that cannot be changed or made more suitable for a particular situation

theo cách không thể thay đổi hoặc làm cho phù hợp hơn với một tình huống cụ thể

without being willing to change your opinions, decisions, etc., or the way you do things

không muốn thay đổi ý kiến, quyết định, v.v. của bạn hoặc cách bạn làm việc