Definition of immovable


bất động


"Immovable" comes from the Old French word "immovable," which itself is derived from the Latin "immobilis." This Latin word is formed by combining the prefix "in-" meaning "not" and "mobilis" meaning "movable." Therefore, the word's journey traces back to the idea of something that is "not movable," highlighting the concept of being fixed or unchangeable. This journey reflects how language evolves, borrowing and adapting words from other languages to create new meanings and expressions.


that cannot be moved

không thể di chuyển được

  • an immovable object

    một vật thể bất động

  • immovable property (= houses, land, etc.)

    bất động sản (= nhà, đất, v.v.)

impossible to change or persuade

không thể thay đổi hoặc thuyết phục

  • On this issue he is completely immovable.

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