Definition of imposition


Áp dụng


The word "imposition" originated in the 14th century and has its roots in the Latin word "impositio," which means "placing" or "putting." The original meaning of the word was related to the act of placing a seal, or "imposing" it on a document to make it official. In the context of printing, the word "imposition" refers to the arrangement of pages on larger sheets of paper, which were then folded and cut to create the final book or document. Before the invention of modern printing techniques, this process was laborious and time-consuming, and required a high degree of skill and patience. In the 15th century, the printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg, and the concept of "imposition" became significantly more complex. Rather than relying on handcrafted sheets, printers could now produce hundreds or thousands of identical pages at once. To accommodate this, a new system of page layout was developed, in which pages were arranged in specific patterns on larger sheets to optimize efficiency and minimize waste. Today, the term "imposition" is still used in the printing industry to refer to these layout patterns, which have been refined over the centuries to account for modern technologies and design principles. However, the meaning of the word has also evolved to include the act of placing a tax or charge on something, a meaning that likely derives from its original use in relation to the sealing of official documents. In summary, the word "imposition" originally referred to the act of placing a seal on a document, but came to refer to the layout of pages on large sheets during the era of handcrafted printing, and has since acquired additional meanings related to taxation and charging.


the act of introducing something such as a new law or rule, or a new tax

hành động đưa ra một điều gì đó chẳng hạn như luật hoặc quy tắc mới hoặc thuế mới

  • the imposition of martial law

    áp dụng thiết quân luật

  • the imposition of tax on domestic fuel

    áp thuế nhiên liệu trong nước

  • the unilateral imposition of import quotas

    đơn phương áp dụng hạn ngạch nhập khẩu

an unfair or unreasonable thing that somebody expects or asks you to do

một điều không công bằng hoặc vô lý mà ai đó mong đợi hoặc yêu cầu bạn làm

  • I'd like to stay if it's not too much of an imposition.

    Tôi muốn ở lại nếu điều đó không quá áp đặt.

  • She felt the journey to be an unwelcome imposition on her time.

    Cô cảm thấy cuộc hành trình là một sự áp đặt không mong muốn đối với thời gian của mình.