Definition of interference


sự can thiệp


The word "interference" originates from the Middle French term "interferer," which means "to come between" or "to hinder." The French term itself comprises two Latin words - "inter" meaning "between," and "ferre" meaning "to bear" or "to carry." The Latin word "inter" derives from the Proto-Indo-European root "*en-, *intr-," which means "between." Meanwhile, "ferre" comes from the same root as "ferreus," "ferrum," and "feryard," that is, "iron." The term "interference" was first used in the context of physics in the late 18th century, describing how the presence of two or more physical forces could affect or negatively impact each other. It was initially used to describe electrical impedance, where the interference of electric currents could cause distortion or disruption in communication systems, such as telegraph wires. Today, the word "interference" is used in various scientific disciplines, including electromagnetism, optics, and acoustics, to describe the interaction between different physical forces that either enhance or hinder one another's effects. The study of interference is critical in fields such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, and security technology, notably in the creation of advanced filtering systems, encryption technologies, and anti-jamming devices.


the act of getting involved in and trying to influence a situation that should not really involve you, in a way that annoys other people

hành động tham gia và cố gắng gây ảnh hưởng đến một tình huống không thực sự liên quan đến bạn, theo cách khiến người khác khó chịu

  • They resent foreign interference in the internal affairs of their country.

    Họ phản đối sự can thiệp của nước ngoài vào công việc nội bộ của đất nước họ.

  • political interference in legal proceedings

    can thiệp chính trị vào thủ tục tố tụng

  • interference with proper medical procedures

    can thiệp vào các thủ tục y tế thích hợp

Extra examples:
  • I will not tolerate such gross interference.

    Tôi sẽ không tha thứ cho sự can thiệp thô bạo như vậy.

  • My boss said she would brook no interference from other departments.

    Sếp của tôi nói rằng bà sẽ không cho phép sự can thiệp từ các bộ phận khác.

  • The law is designed to prevent interference by local police.

    Luật này được thiết kế để ngăn chặn sự can thiệp của cảnh sát địa phương.

  • They deeply resent interference in their affairs.

    Họ rất phẫn nộ khi bị can thiệp vào công việc của họ.

  • We will not allow any interference with the normal democratic processes.

    Chúng tôi sẽ không cho phép bất kỳ sự can thiệp nào vào các tiến trình dân chủ thông thường.

interruption of a radio signal by another signal on a similar wavelength, causing extra noise that is not wanted

sự gián đoạn tín hiệu vô tuyến bởi một tín hiệu khác có bước sóng tương tự, gây thêm nhiễu không mong muốn

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run interference
to clear the way for the player with the ball by blocking players from the other team
(informal)to help somebody by dealing with problems for them so that they do not need to deal with them
  • You have plenty of friends that can always run interference for you.