Definition of impart


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The word "impart" has its roots in the Latin verb "impartire," which means "to make a part of" or "to distribute among." The verb was brought into Middle English from Old French as "imparter," and has been used in English since the 13th century. Initially, the word "impart" had a sense of physical division or sharing, as in "to impart a share or portion of something." Over time, the word took on a broader meaning, encompassing the idea of conveying or sharing knowledge, skills, or emotions. Today, the word "impart" is commonly used in various contexts, including education ("to impart knowledge"), communication ("to impart a message"), and everyday conversation ("to impart confidence"). Despite its evolution, the word's core sense of sharing and conveying remains a constant thread throughout its history.


to pass information, knowledge, etc. to other people

để truyền thông tin, kiến ​​thức, vv cho người khác

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    Gia vị mang lại hương vị phương Đông cho món ăn.

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