Definition of imprint


dấu ấn


The word "imprint" originates from the Middle English word "imprinte" which derived from the Latin word "imprimitura", meaning "an impression made by pressing." The word "imprimitura" was initially used in medieval manuscripts as a mark or symbol placed on the cover of a book to indicate that it had been officially authorized or approved by the Church or a University. Later, during the advent of printing in the 15th century, the term "impress" was used to denote the act of pressing ink onto paper during the printing process, and "imprint" was used to refer to the design or embossment stamped onto the cover or title page of a book to identify the printer or publisher. Today, the term "imprint" is also used to refer to the identification mark or logo of a publishing house or imprint that belongs to a larger publishing conglomerate.


to have a great effect on something so that it cannot be forgotten, changed, etc.

có ảnh hưởng lớn đến một cái gì đó để nó không thể bị lãng quên, thay đổi, v.v.

  • The terrible scenes were indelibly imprinted on his mind.

    Những cảnh tượng khủng khiếp đó đã in sâu vào tâm trí anh không thể xóa nhòa.

  • He imprints his own personal style on his work.

    Anh ấy in dấu phong cách cá nhân của mình vào tác phẩm.

  • His work is imprinted with his own personal style.

    Tác phẩm của ông mang đậm phong cách cá nhân.

to print or press a mark or design onto a surface

để in hoặc nhấn một nhãn hiệu hoặc thiết kế lên một bề mặt

  • Their footprints were imprinted in the snow.

    Dấu chân của họ in hằn trên tuyết.

  • clothes imprinted with the logos of sports teams

    quần áo in logo của các đội thể thao

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