Definition of hitch



The origin of the word "hitch" can be traced back to the Middle English term "hicche," which appeared in the 14th century. At that time, the word "hicche" was primarily used to describe a sudden stop or catch in breathing, as in the phrase "to have the hiccups." However, by the 15th century, the meaning of the word began to shift. It came to be associated with a device that allowed a horse to pull a heavy load, such as a cart or carriage. The Oxford English Dictionary defines this early sense of the word as "a contrivance for dragging a weight after a horse, consisting of a pole with a ring at each end, into which the horns of an ox, or the like." Over time, the meaning of "hitch" began to expand to encompass other uses. In the late 16th century, it was used to describe the act of catching a ride on a horse-drawn carriage, wagon or cart. The sense of the word then broadened to include any kind of transportation, such as trains, cars, or boats. Today, "hitch" is a versatile word with a variety of meanings. It can refer to the act of trying to catch a ride (as in "hitchhiking"), the act of fastening something (as in "hitching up your pants"), or the act of holding something in place (as in "hitching the tarpaulin to the roof rack"). The word's origins are still visible in these contemporary uses, linking back to its Medieval past, when it was used to describe a device that allowed heavy loads to be pulled by horses.


to get a free ride in a person’s car; to travel around in this way, by standing at the side of the road and trying to get passing cars to stop

được đi miễn phí trên ô tô của một người; đi vòng quanh theo cách này, bằng cách đứng ở bên đường và cố gắng khiến những chiếc xe đi qua dừng lại

  • They hitched a ride in a truck.

    Họ đi nhờ trên một chiếc xe tải.

  • They hitched a lift.

    Họ quá giang một thang máy.

  • They tried to hitch a lift back to London.

    Họ cố gắng đi nhờ một chiếc thang máy để trở về London.

  • We hitched a ride with a travelling salesman.

    Chúng tôi đi nhờ xe với một người bán hàng lưu động.

  • We spent the summer hitching around Europe.

    Chúng tôi đã dành cả mùa hè để đi vòng quanh châu Âu.

  • They hitched across the States.

    Họ quá giang trên khắp Hoa Kỳ.

  • We didn’t take the bus—we hitched.

    Chúng tôi không đi xe buýt - chúng tôi quá giang.

Related words and phrases

to pull up a piece of your clothing

kéo một mảnh quần áo của bạn lên

  • She hitched up her skirt and waded into the river.

    Cô vén váy và lội xuống sông.

Related words and phrases

to lift yourself into a higher position, or the position mentioned

nâng mình lên một vị trí cao hơn, hoặc vị trí được đề cập

  • She hitched herself up.

    Cô ấy đã tự mình đứng dậy.

  • He hitched himself onto the bar stool.

    Anh ta tựa mình vào chiếc ghế đẩu ở quầy bar.

  • She hitched herself into a sitting position.

    Cô tự mình ngồi dậy.

to tie or fasten something to something else with a rope, a hook, etc.

buộc hoặc buộc cái gì đó vào cái gì khác bằng dây thừng, móc, v.v.

  • She hitched the pony to the gate.

    Cô buộc ngựa vào cổng.