Definition of hater


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The word "hater" originated in the early 1990s, specifically, in the African American community. It was initially used to describe people who repeatedly criticized, disparaged, or showed negative feelings towards a particular person, often due to jealousy, envy, or personal differences. The etymology of the term can be traced back to the word "hate," which has been in the English language for centuries. In its earliest form, it appeared in Old English as "hǣtan" and meant "to love, cherish, esteem." Over time, the meaning of "hate" evolved to include strong negative emotions such as antipathy, enmity, and dislike. In urban slang, "hater" came to be widely accepted as a label to describe individuals who express ill will towards others, particularly those who have achieved success or popularity through hard work, talent, or luck. While the word was once derogatory and commonly used as an insult, it has since become a part of popular culture and is used regularly in social media and other forms of modern-day communication. Today, the term "hater" has expanded beyond its original context and is now widely used to refer to anyone who shows dislike, opposition, or criticism, often through social media platforms. It is frequently applied to individuals who criticize public figures or groups for various reasons, ranging from ideological disagreements to personal differences. In summary, the origin of the word "hater" can be traced back to the word "hate," which has evolved in meaning over time. The term's contemporary use in urban slang grew out of the African American community during the early 1990s, and has since become a part of everyday speech. Its expanded usage today encompasses a broad range of individuals who express criticism or opposition towards others.


a person who is very negative or critical in their attitudes

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  • She found it difficult to cope with the haters.

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