Definition of handsomely


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The word "handsomely" has its roots in Old English. It originated from the phrase "handsum" or "händsum," which meant "fair," "beautiful," or "comely." This phrase was used to describe someone or something that was attractive in appearance or demeanor. Over time, the phrase evolved to become an adverb, "handsomely," meaning "in a handsome manner" or "to a handsome extent." In the 14th century, the word took on a new meaning, referring to something that was done with a generous or lavish amount of money. Today, "handsomely" is often used to describe a reward or payment that is generous and fair. Despite its evolution, the word still retains its connection to its original meaning, implying a sense of elegance and refinement.


in a way that is beautiful to look at

theo một cách đẹp đẽ để nhìn vào

  • a handsomely dressed man

    một người đàn ông ăn mặc đẹp trai

  • a handsomely produced book

    một cuốn sách được sản xuất đẹp mắt

in a way that is large or generous in amount or quantity

theo cách lớn hoặc hào phóng về số lượng hoặc số lượng

  • to be paid/rewarded/compensated handsomely

    được trả tiền/được thưởng/được đền bù hậu hĩnh