Definition of gallant


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The word "gallant" has a rich history dating back to the 14th century. It originated from the Old French word "gant," meaning "hand" or "fist." In medieval times, a gallant was a knight who fought with his hand, as opposed to using a sword or other weapon. Over time, the term evolved to describe a chivalrous and courteous man, often a knight or noble, who was admired for his bravery, honor, and romantic gestures. In the 16th century, the word "gallant" took on a new meaning, describing a man who was charming, suave, and courtly in his behavior towards women. This sense of the word is still used today, often to describe someone who is courteous, respectful, and gallant towards those around them. Throughout its history, the word "gallant" has maintained its connection to ideals of chivalry and courtly love.


brave, especially in a very difficult situation

dũng cảm, đặc biệt là trong một tình huống rất khó khăn

  • gallant soldiers

    những người lính dũng cảm

  • She made a gallant attempt to hide her tears.

    Cô đã cố gắng dũng cảm để giấu đi những giọt nước mắt của mình.

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giving polite attention to women

dành sự quan tâm lịch sự cho phụ nữ

  • ‘I left her standing in the rain.’ ‘That wasn’t very gallant of you.’

    “Tôi đã để cô ấy đứng dưới mưa.” “Anh làm vậy không lịch sự chút nào.”

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