Definition of attractively


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"Attractively" is a word that stems from the Latin word "attrahere," meaning "to draw to." Over time, "attrahere" evolved into the English word "attract," meaning to draw someone or something towards something else. The suffix "-ly" was added to "attract" to create the adverb "attractively," signifying the manner in which something is attractive or appealing. Therefore, "attractively" describes something that draws in or captivates the senses.


in a way that is pleasant to look at or experience

theo cách dễ chịu khi nhìn vào hoặc trải nghiệm

  • The room is arranged very attractively.

    Căn phòng được bố trí rất hấp dẫn.

in a way that makes something seem interesting or worth having

theo cách làm cho cái gì đó có vẻ thú vị hoặc đáng có

  • attractively priced hotel rooms

    phòng khách sạn giá hấp dẫn