Definition of grass


cỏ, bãi cỏ, đồng cỏ


Definition of undefined

The word "grass" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. The earliest recorded use of the word "grass" dates back to around 800 AD, where it was spelled "græs" in Old English. This word is thought to have evolved from the Proto-Germanic word "*grásiz", which was likely derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*ghre-" meaning "to grow". In Middle English (circa 1100-1500 AD), the word "grass" emerged as "grassse" or "grasse", with the modern spelling "grass" becoming standard by the 16th century. The word has remained relatively unchanged since then, with its modern meaning referring to a type of plant that grows in lawns, fields, and other spaces.


a common wild plant with narrow green leaves and stems that are eaten by cows, horses, sheep, etc.

một loại cây dại phổ biến có lá và thân hẹp màu xanh lá cây, được bò, ngựa, cừu, v.v. ăn.

  • a blade of grass

    một lưỡi cỏ

  • The dry grass caught fire.

    Cỏ khô bốc cháy.

Extra examples:
  • I sowed a little bag of grass seed.

    Tôi gieo một túi nhỏ hạt giống cỏ.

  • I've walked along that path for so many years I know every blade of grass.

    Tôi đã đi dọc theo con đường đó nhiều năm đến nỗi tôi biết rõ từng ngọn cỏ.

  • The dog came running through the long grass.

    Con chó chạy qua bãi cỏ dài.

  • There were only a few clumps of coarse grass for the animals to eat.

    Chỉ có một vài đám cỏ thô để động vật ăn.

  • We parked on the grass verge by the side of the road.

    Chúng tôi đậu xe trên bãi cỏ ven đường.

  • He stopped the car on the grass verge of the deserted road.

    Anh dừng xe bên bờ cỏ của con đường vắng.

any type of grass

bất kỳ loại cỏ nào

  • ornamental grasses

    cỏ trang trí

Related words and phrases

an area of ground covered with grass

một khu đất được bao phủ bởi cỏ

  • to cut/mow the grass

    cắt/cắt cỏ

  • Don't walk on the grass.

    Đừng đi trên cỏ.

  • Keep off the grass. (= on a sign)

    Tránh xa bãi cỏ. (= trên một dấu hiệu)

  • He plays better on grass (= on a grass court, when playing tennis).

    Anh ấy chơi tốt hơn trên sân cỏ (= trên sân cỏ, khi chơi quần vợt).

Extra examples:
  • You're not allowed to walk on the grass.

    Bạn không được phép đi trên cỏ.

  • They all set off across the grass.

    Tất cả đều khởi hành băng qua bãi cỏ.

  • We all sat down on the grass.

    Tất cả chúng tôi ngồi xuống bãi cỏ.


cần sa

a person, usually a criminal, who tells the police about somebody’s criminal activities and plans

một người, thường là tội phạm, người nói với cảnh sát về các hoạt động và kế hoạch tội phạm của ai đó

Related words and phrases


the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence)
(saying)said about people who never seem happy with what they have and always think they could be happier in a different place or situation
kick something into the long grass/into touch
(British English)to reject something or treat it as not important; to stop dealing with a problem
  • He tends to deal with disputes by kicking them into the long grass.
  • not let the grass grow under your feet
    to not delay in getting things done
    put somebody out to grass
    (informal)to force somebody to stop doing their job, especially because they are old
    a snake (in the grass)
    (disapproving)a person who pretends to be your friend but who cannot be trusted
  • I came to realize that he's just a snake in the grass.