Definition of fence


hàng rào


Definition of undefined

The word "fence" has its roots in Old English and is related to the verb "fencan," which means "to enclose" or "to surround." This Old English verb is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*fendon," which is also the source of the Modern German word "Finden," meaning "to find" or "to enclose." In relevance to the modern English word "fence," this Proto-Germanic word would have originally meant "to enclose" or "to defend," possibly referring to the act of fencing or surrounding something with a physical barrier, such as a hedge or a wall. Over time, the word evolved to specifically refer to a barrier or enclosure made of wood, metal, or some other material, used to define boundaries or separate areas.


a structure made of wood or wire supported with posts that is put between two areas of land as a boundary, or around a garden, field, etc. to keep animals in, or to keep people and animals out

một cấu trúc làm bằng gỗ hoặc dây được hỗ trợ bằng các cột đặt giữa hai khu đất làm ranh giới hoặc xung quanh khu vườn, cánh đồng, v.v. để nhốt động vật vào hoặc để ngăn người và động vật ra ngoài

  • The two women chatted over the garden fence.

    Hai người phụ nữ trò chuyện qua hàng rào vườn.

  • Security guards with dogs patrolled the perimeter fence.

    Nhân viên bảo vệ dẫn chó đi tuần tra hàng rào vành đai.

  • The footpath was blocked by a barbed wire fence.

    Lối đi bộ bị chặn bởi hàng rào dây thép gai.

  • The house was surrounded by a white picket fence.

    Ngôi nhà được bao quanh bởi một hàng rào cọc trắng.

Extra examples:
  • She walked over to the tall wooden privacy fence.

    Cô bước tới hàng rào gỗ cao riêng tư.

  • There was a cottage garden at the front and a white picket fence.

    Phía trước nhà có một khu vườn nhỏ và hàng rào gỗ màu trắng.

  • a fence around the site

    một hàng rào xung quanh trang web

  • the airport perimeter fence

    hàng rào chu vi sân bay

  • the fence line separating the United States from Mexico

    hàng rào ngăn cách Hoa Kỳ và Mexico

a structure that horses must jump over in a race or a competition

một cấu trúc mà ngựa phải nhảy qua trong một cuộc đua hoặc một cuộc thi

a criminal who buys and sells stolen goods

một tên tội phạm mua bán đồ ăn cắp


the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence)
(saying)said about people who never seem happy with what they have and always think they could be happier in a different place or situation
mend (your) fences (with somebody)
to find a solution when you disagree with somebody
  • The White House already is struggling to mend fences with Europe.
  • Is it too late to mend fences with your ex-wife?
  • side of the fence
    used to refer to either of two opposite opinions on an issue
  • The two countries are often on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to climate change.
  • There are arguments on both sides of the aisle.
  • sit on the fence
    to avoid becoming involved in deciding or influencing something
  • He tends to sit on the fence at meetings.