Definition of gory


đẫm máu


The word "gory" has a complex etymology. It originated from the Old French word "gore", which means "sausage" or "blood sausage". This comes from the Latin "sanguis", meaning "blood". The Old French "gore" referred to a type of sausage made from blood and entrails. Over time, the word "gore" evolved into "gory", which took on a new meaning in English. In the 14th century, "gory" began to be used to describe something covered in blood or gore, such as a gruesome death or a gory wound. Today, the word "gory" is often used to describe violent or graphic content, such as a gory horror movie or a violent fight scene. Despite its origins in food, the word "gory" has taken on a new life in modern language.


involving a lot of blood or violence; showing or describing blood and violence

liên quan đến nhiều máu hoặc bạo lực; hiển thị hoặc mô tả máu và bạo lực

  • a gory accident

    một tai nạn đẫm máu

  • the gory task of the pathologist

    nhiệm vụ đẫm máu của nhà nghiên cứu bệnh học

  • a gory movie

    một bộ phim đẫm máu

  • He insisted on telling us all the gory details about their divorce (= the unpleasant facts).

    Anh ấy nhất quyết kể cho chúng tôi nghe mọi chi tiết đẫm máu về cuộc ly hôn của họ (= những sự thật không mấy dễ chịu).

covered with blood

phủ đầy máu

  • a gory figure

    một nhân vật đẫm máu

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