Definition of morbid


bệnh hoạn


The word "morbid" comes from the Latin word "mōrbīdus," which originally meant "pertaining to death" or "dying." This word was borrowed into Old French as "morbide," and it was used to describe something related to sickness, disease, or death. In the 14th century, the word "morbid" was adopted into Middle English, where it had a similar meaning of relating to sickness or disease. Over time, the meaning of the word has evolved to also include a sense of fascination or obsession with death, sickness, or other dark or disturbing subjects. Today, the word "morbid" is primarily used in a negative or pejorative sense, implying that something is unhealthy, unpleasant, or depressing. In some contexts, however, it can also carry a sense of curiosity or fascination with the macabre or mysterious. Overall, the origin of "morbid" highlights the historical associations between sickness, death, and the human psyche. The word serves as a reminder of the often-awkward relationship between our fascination with the macabre and our abhorrence of sickness and death.


having or expressing a strong interest in sad or unpleasant things, especially disease or death

có hoặc thể hiện sự quan tâm mạnh mẽ đến những điều buồn bã hoặc khó chịu, đặc biệt là bệnh tật hoặc cái chết

  • He had a morbid fascination with blood.

    Anh ta có một niềm đam mê bệnh hoạn với máu.

  • ‘He might even die.’ ‘Don't be so morbid.’

    “Anh ấy thậm chí có thể chết.” “Đừng bệnh hoạn thế.”

  • She watched with morbid curiosity.

    Cô quan sát với sự tò mò bệnh hoạn.

  • My mind was filled with morbid thoughts of death.

    Tâm trí tôi tràn ngập những ý nghĩ bệnh hoạn về cái chết.

  • I found the whole subject very morbid and unpleasant.

    Tôi thấy toàn bộ chủ đề này rất bệnh hoạn và khó chịu.

connected with disease

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