Definition of bloodthirsty


khát máu


"Bloodthirsty" combines two words with long histories: * **Blood:** Originally from Old English "blōd," meaning "life essence." It was associated with vitality and strength, later gaining connotations of violence and sacrifice. * **Thirsty:** Also from Old English "þyrstan," meaning "to crave a drink." The feeling of thirst was often linked to a craving for something more than just water. Together, they create "bloodthirsty" – a word that arose in the 16th century, depicting an intense desire for bloodshed or violence. This desire is often fueled by hatred, revenge, or a thirst for power.


wanting to kill or wound; enjoying seeing or hearing about killing and violence

muốn giết hoặc làm bị thương; thích nhìn hoặc nghe về giết chóc và bạo lực

  • We are not a bloodthirsty people.

    Chúng tôi không phải là những kẻ khát máu.

describing or showing killing and violence

mô tả hoặc thể hiện sự giết chóc và bạo lực

  • It’s a bloodthirsty tale of murder and revenge.

    Đó là một câu chuyện khát máu về giết người và trả thù.